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      12-28-2019, 06:48 AM   #55
Brigadier General

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Originally Posted by eluded View Post
I'd run fiber to all the rooms. Copper wire just doesn't have the throughput that fiber does.
See my discussion about fiber in an earlier post. While running fiber seems to be an attractive option, it's not the best solution for home use. Heck many businesses and government agencies don't use fiber to the desktops. Just because it's fiber doesn't mean it's faster or has more throughput when comparing like for like transport medium. As an example, using OM3 fiber provides no throughput/speed advantage over using Cat6a for 10GigE. The only thing fiber does provide is lower latency but that's not because of the fiber itself. It's because the ASICs used in switches for 10GbaseT are inherently slower latency wise versus the ASICs used for pluggable connectivity. We're talking about a few microseconds of latency versus about 500 nanoseconds for pluggable. But for a home user, this difference won't ever be noticed.

Other than a desktop which you can add in a fiber NIC, you'll be looking at buying media converters to allow devices to connect into the fiber plant plus the expense of the fiber itself and the network hardware, it just makes no sense in a home setting. I'm not your typical home user and I have all the networking equipment to utilize fiber. But I'm not running any fiber except in my server rack where Fiber Channel requires the use of fiber for my SAN.
Originally Posted by Lups View Post
We might not be in an agreement on Trump, but I'll be the first penis chaser here to say I'll rather take it up in the ass than to argue with you on this.
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